nuclear bodies

英 [ˈnjuːkliə(r) ˈbɒdiz] 美 [ˈnuːkliər ˈbɑdiz]

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  1. As for people, more than 3000 individuals from a town 23 kilometers north of the stricken nuclear plant also bore detectable levels of radioactive cesium in their bodies.
  2. A variable number of nuclear bodies, described as micronucleoli-like bodies, were observed.
  3. And you should see apoptotic nuclear bodies and necrosis.
  4. Under electron microscopy we found simple and complex nuclear bodies in decidual cells of human decidua basalis.
  5. Since under the estrogenic stimulation, the nuclear bodies increase in number and progesterone causes glycogen particle to aggregate, our findings indicate that the smooth muscle cell maturation of fetal myometrium might be affected by estrogen and progesterone.
  6. The apoptotic cells mainly showed cytoplasmic membrane blebbing, chromatin condensation and fragmentation, and crescentic nuclear and membrane bound apoptotic bodies formation.
  7. Apoptosis with nuclear chromatin condensation and fragmentation as well as cell shrinkage and the formation of apoptotic bodies were observed.
  8. : The load-following problem in nuclear reactor is traditionally dealt with 1-D neutron flux model, but it is not always appropriate, especially when control rods, which are strong neutron absorption bodies, maintain the power changing procedure by itself.
  9. After the tetrad was formed, the nuclear envelope and the golgi bodies show a particular activity which is probably related to the exine depositing.
  10. Conclusion: The annulate lamella participates in the process of apoptotic nuclear fragmentation and wrapping nuclear fragments, which help to illustrate that the process of apoptotic nucleus split into nuclear fragments to form apoptotic bodies is an active process.
  11. Nuclear bodies of the human decidual cells
  12. The results are: ( 1) The replication and assembly processes of these viruses take place in the nucleus, they make use of the viroplast or nuclear inclusion bodies as multiplication sites and material sources, but not all these viruses can form the crystalline structure.
  13. Other features as ground glass, nuclear groove, multi-nuclear giant cell and psammoma bodies is useful for diagnosis of papillary carcinoma of thyroid.
  14. Conclusion: There are four kinds of intranuclear inclusion and nuclear bodies in nucleus of cells infected by poxvirus; their formation may be related to active condition of nuclear functions.
  15. The nuclear bodies of the human fetal endometrium
  16. Quantitative analysis of nuclear bodies in cells of uterine leiomyomas
  17. A Method of Digital Image Processing and Its Results Analysing on Pictures with Nuclear Bodies
  18. The results showed that the retraction, budding, nuclear fragmentation and the formation of apoptotic bodies were apparent.
  19. Results: After exposure to berberine, the human gastric carcinoma BGC-823 cell presented some morphologic features of apoptosis, including cell shrinkage, nuclear condensation, DNA fragmentation and apoptotic bodies formation.
  20. Theoretical verification and inversion deduction of the remains in the Oklo natural nuclear reactor indicate that at least some of the geologic bodies may have the requisites for the formation of natural graphite nuclear reactors.
  21. After treatment with 1~ 10 μ g/ ml tanshinone ⅱ A for 72 h, BEL 7402 cell apoptosis with nuclear chromatin concentration and fragmentation as well as cell shrinkage and the formation of apoptotic bodies were observed.
  22. Light microscope: 2 hours after occlusion neuronal nuclear stain to deepen, cell body shrinkage and Nissl bodies decrease were observed;
  23. The cell nucleus is a highly organized structure. It is arranged into distinct membrane-lacking nuclear bodies. This compartmentalization is thought to represent the most efficient organization of essential molecular complexes.
  24. TH and Hoechst staining showe that part of a large number of positive nuclei in SN were irregular shrinkage, nuclear fragmentation, some cracking to multiple apoptotic bodies.
  25. DAPI nuclear staining showed that nuclear condensed and apoptotic bodies produced.